State Health Society,Bihar

FUND ALLOCATION                    
RCH Flexipool (Part A)
Mission Flexipool NRHM (Part B)
Routine Immunisation & PP (Part C)
Final Allocation
Final Allocation
Final Allocation
A.1 Maternal Health
B.1 ASHA C.1 RI Strengthening Project.
Revised C.1.j.      Revised C.1.r.
A.2 Child Health B.2 Untied Funds C.2 Salary of Contractual Staffs
A.3 Family Planning   Revised Letter B.3 Annual Maintenance Grants C.3 Training under Immunisation
Revised FMR - C.3.d
A.4 Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) - [Sub total - ARSH] B.4 Hospital Strengthening C.4 Cold Chain Maintenance
A.4.1 - Adolescent services at Health Facilities (ARSH corners in 3DHs and PHCs) B.5 New Constructions/Renovation and Setting Up C.5 ASHA incentive
A.4.2 - School Health Programme B.6 Corpus Grants to HMS / RKS C.6 PPI Operation Cost
A.4.3 - Other Strategies / Acivities (Menstrual Hygiene) B.7 District Action Plans (including block, village)
Revised Sheet - 3      Revised Sheet - 4
IDD (Part D)
A.5 URBAN RCH - [Sub total - URBAN RCH] B.8 Panchayati Raj Initiative Final Allocation
A.6 TRIBAL RCH - [Sub total - TRIBAL RCH] B.9 Mainstreaming of AYUSH IDSP (Part E)
A.7 PNDT & Sex Ratio B.10 IEC-BCC NRHM Final Allocation
A.7.1 - Support to PNDT Cell B.11 Mobile Medical Units DBS (Part F)
A.7.2 - Other PNDT Activities  (Monitoring of Sex Ratio at Birth) B.12 Referral Transport Final Allocation
A.8 Infrastructure (Minor Civil Works) and Human Resources (except AYUSH Vulnerable Groups) B.13 PPP / NGOs F.1.1 Malaria - [Sub - toatal]
A.9 Training B.14 Innovations F.1.2 Dengu & Chikungunya
A.10 Programme / NRHM Management Costs B.15 Planning, Implementation and Monitoring F.1.3 AES / JE
A.11 Vulnurable Groups B.16 Procurement F.1.4 Filaria - [Sub - toatal]
  B.17 Regional Drugs Warehouses (PROMIS to be established and implemented in District Drug Warehouse) F.2 Kalazar - [Sub - toatal]
  B.18 New Initiatives/Strategic Interventions (as per State Health Policy) /Innovation / Projects (Telemedicine, Hepatitis, Mental Health, Nutrition Programme for Pregnant Women, Neonatal) NRHM Helpline as per need (Block/District Action Plans) F.2.1 Kalazar (World Bank Project)
  B.19 Health Insurance Scheme Leprosy (Part G)
  B.20 Research, Studies, Analysis (Research study to be conducted on Assessment of New Initiative taken for enhancing R.I. Coverage) Final Allocation
  B.21 State Level Health Resource Centre (SHSRC) Blindness (Part H)
  B.22 Support Services Final Allocation
  B.23 Other Expenditures (Power Backup, Convergence etc) RNTCP (Part I)
  B.23.a - Payment of monthly bill to be BSNL Final Allocation

Operationalise Facilities A.1.4 Janani Suraksha Yojna / JSY
A.1.1.1 Operationalise FRUs - A.1.4.1 Home Deliveries
A. Dissemination workshop for FRU guidelines A.1.4.2 Institutional Deliveries
A. Monitor progress and quality of service delivery A.1.4.2.a Rural
A.1.1.2 Operationalise 24x7 PHCs (MCH Centre)
A.1.4.2.b Urban
A.1.1.3 MTP services at health facilities A.1.4.2.c C-sections
A.1.1.4 RTI/STI services at health facilities A.1.4.3 Administrative Expenses
A.1.1.5 Operationalise Sub-centres A.1.4.4 Incentive to ASHAs
A.1.2 Referral Transport A.1.5 Maternal Death Review
A.1.3 Integrated outreach RCH services A.1.6 Other Strategies/Activities (ICTC for HIV testing of ANC cases
A.1.3.1 RCH Outreach Camps/Others   Total Maternal Health
A.1.3.2 Monthly Village Health and Nutrition Days    
Fund Allocation

IMNCI A.2.4 Infant and Young Child Feeding/IYCF
A.2.1.1 Implementation of IMNCI activities in districts A.2.5 Care of Sick Children and Severe Malnutrition
A.2.1.2 Moniter progress against plan; follow up with training, procurement, etc A.2.6 Management of Diarrhoea, ARI and Micronutrient Malnutrition (38 Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres)
A.2.1.3 Incentive for HBNC to ASHA/AWWs (state iniative) 3PNC for normal baby A.2.7 Other strategies/activities (Vitamin A Biannual round)
A.2.1.4 Incentive for HBNC to ASHA (state iniative) 6PNC for low birth baby
A.2.8 Infant Death Audit
A.2.2 Facility Based Newborn Care/HBNC (Operationalise 40 NBSUs) A.2.9 Incentive to ASHA under CH
A.2.3 Home Base Newborn Care/HBNC Total Child Health
Fund Allocation

Terminal/Limiting Methods A.3.2.4 Social Marketing of contraceptives
A.3.1.1 Dissemination of manuals on sterialisation standards & QA of sterialisation services A.3.2.5 Contraceptive update seminars
A.3.1.2 Female Sterialisation camps A.3.3 POL for Family Planning (for district leve + state level monitoring)
A.3.1.3 NSV camps A.3.4 Repairs of Laparoscopes
A.3.1.4 Compensation of female sterialisation
A.3.5 Other strategies/activities
A.3.1.5 Compensation for male sterialisation (Compensation for NSV acceptance) A.3.5.1 State level workshop/Review for FP
A.3.1.6 Accrediation of private providers for sterialisation services A.3.5.2 Orientation
A.3.2 Spacing Methods A.3.5.3 Family Planning Incentive/Award to best performer district/other personel
A.3.2.1 IUD camps A.3.5.4 Provide IUD services at health facility (IUD camps)
A.3.2.2 IUD services at health facilities A.3.5.5 Social Marketing of contraceptives
A.3.2.3 Accrediation of private providers for IUD insertion services   Total Family Planning
Fund Allocation

A.8    Infrastructure (Minor Civil Works) And Human Resources (Except AYUSH)
Contractual Staff & Services A.8.1.7 Others - Computer Assistants / BCC Co-ordinator etc (FP Counsellors)
A.8.1.1 ANMs, Staff Nurses, Supervisory Nurses (Salary of Contractual ANM/Contractual SN) A.8.1.8 Incentive/Awards etc. to SN, ANMs etc. (Muskan Programme - Incentive to ASHA and ANM)
A.8.1.2 Laboratory Technicians/MPW (LT in Blood Banks) A.8.1.9 Human Resources Development (Other than above)
A. MPW A.8.1.10 Other Incentives Schemes (Pl. Specify)l
A.8.1.3 Specialists (Anaesthetists, Paediatricians, Ob/Gyn, Surgeons, Physicians, Dental Surgeons, Radiologist, Sonologist, Pathologist, Speicalist fo CHC)
A.8.2 Minor Civil Works
A.8.1.4 PHNs at CHC, PHC level A.8.2.1 Minor civil works for operationalisation of FRUs
A.8.1.5 Medical Officers at CHCs/PHCs (Salary of MOs in Blood Banks) A.8.2.2 Minor civil works for operationalisation of 24 hour services at PHCs
A.8.1.6 Additional Allowances/Incentives to M.O.s of PHCs and CHCs Total Infrastructure and HR
Fund Allocation

Strengthening of Training Institutions (repair/renovation of training institutions) A.9.6.5 Contraceptive Update
A.9.2 Development of training packages A.9.6.6 Other FP Training (pl. specify)
A.9.3 Maternal Health Training A. Post Partum Family Planning ( with emphasis on IUCD insertion) Master Trainers at all 38 districts hospitals
A.9.3.1 Skilled Attendance at Birth A. Training of Family Planning Counsellors
A.9.3.2 Comprehensive EmOC Training (indluding c-section)
A.9.7 ARSH Training (MOs, ANM/Nurses, Nodal Officers)
A.9.3.3 Life saving Anaesthesia skills training A.9.8 Programme Management Training
A.9.3.4 MTP training A.9.8.1 SPMU Training
A.9.3.5 RTI/STI Training A.9.8.2 DPMU Training
A.9.3.6 BEmOC Training A.9.9 Other training (pl. specify)
A.9.3.7 Other MH Training (any integrated training, etc.) - Training of MOs and Paramedics at sub-district level (Convergence with BSACS) A.9.9.1 Continuing Medical and Nursing Education
A.9.4 IMEP Training A.9.9.2 Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine for MO
A.9.5.1 IMNCI A.9.9.3 DNB in Family Medicine for MO
F-IMNCI A.9.9.4 PGD in Public Health Management for MO (IIPH)
A.9.5.3 Home Based Newborn Care A.9.9.5 PGD in Public Health Management for Health and Management Personnel (IIPH at SIHFW)
A.9.5.4 Care of sick children and severe malnutrition A.9.10 Training (Nursing)
A.9.5.5 Other CH Training (pl. Specify) A.9.10.1 Strengthening of Existing Training Institutions/Nursing School
A. TOT on FBNC A.9.10.2 New Training Institutions/School
A. Trianing on FBNC for Medical Officers A.9.11 Training (Other Health Personnel)
A. NSSK Training (SN/ANM) A.9.11.1 Promotional Training of health workers female to lady health visitors etc.
A.9.6.1 Laproscopic Sterialisation Training A.9.11.2 Training of ANMs, Staff nurses, AWW, AWS
A.9.6.2 Minilap Training A.9.11.3 Other training and capacity building programmes
A.9.6.3 NSV Training A. Training of Faculty / Post Basic B.Sc / Basic B.Sc
A.9.6.4 IUD Insertion Training A. Community Visit for Students and Teachers
A. Training of Medical officers in IUD insertion   Total Training
A. Training of ANMs/LHVs/SN in IUD insertion    
Fund Allocation

Strengthening of SHS / SPMU (including HR, Management Cost, Mobility Support, Field Visits) A.10.4.3 AMC (State, Regional & DHS)
A.10.1.1 Liability on current staff at prevailing salary A.10.4.4 AMC (Block Level)
A.10.1.2 Additional manpower under SHSB A.10.4.5 Training on Tally
A.10.1.3 State Monitoring Cell for Blood Banks/BSUs A.10.4.6 Training on Accounting Procedure
A.10.1.4 Provision of equipment / furniture and mobility support for SPMU staff
A.10.4.7 Capacity Building & Exposure visit of Account Staff
A.10.1.5 Mobility support (District Maleria Office) A.10.4.8 Regional Programme Management Unit
A.10.1.6 Strengthening of Directorate A.10.4.9 Management unit at FRU (Hospital Manager & FRU Accountant)
A.10.1.7 Liability on various new posts approved in PIP 2010-11, already advertised and shortlisting underway A.10.5 Audit Fees
A.10.2 Strengthening of DHS / DPMU (including HR, Management Cost, Mobility Support, Field Visits) A.10.5.1 Annual audit of the programme (Statutory Audit)
A.10.2.1 Contractual Staff for DPMU recruited and in position A.10.5.2 Internal Auditor
A.10.2.2 Provision of equipment / furniture and mobility support for DPMU staff A.10.5.3 TA for Internal Auditor
A.10.3 Strengthening of Block PMU A.10.5.4 Training of Internal Audit Wing
A.10.4 Strengthening (Others) A.10.6 Concurrent Audit (State & District)
A.10.4.1 Tally Purchase for RAM A.10.7 Mobility Support to BMO / MO / Others
A.10.4.2 Renewal (Upgradation)   Total Programme Management
Fund Allocation

B.1   ASHA
ASHA cost B.1.1.4 Awards to ASHA's/Link workers
B.1.1.1 Selection & Training of ASHA B.1.1.4.a Best performance award to ASHAs at district leve
B.1.1.1.a Training on HIV / AIDS B.1.1.4.b Rechargeable Torch to ASHA
B.1.1.2 Procurement of ASHA Drug Kit & Replenishment B.1.1.4.c Identity Card to ASHA
B.1.1.3 Other Incentive to ASHAs (TA/DA fpr ASHA Divas)
B.1.1.5 ASHA Resource Centre / ASHA Mentoring Group
      Total Asha
Fund Allocation

United Fund for SDH/CHC B.2.3 United Fund for Sub Centres
B.2.2.a United Fund for PHCs B.2.4 United Fund for VHSC
B.2.2.b United Fund for APHC   Total United Funds
Fund Allocation

CHCs B.3.2 PHCs
B.3.1.a SDH B.3.2.a APHC
B.3.3 Sub Centres   Total Annual Maintenance Grants
Fund Allocation

Upgradation of CHCs, PHCs, District Hospitals to IPHS B.4.1.5 Others (Upgradation of 2 Health Facilties (Rajendra Nagar) Eye Hospital & Lok Nayak Jay Prakash Narayan Hospital) into Super Speciality as per IPHS
B.4.1.1 District Hospitals B.4.2 Strengthening of Districts, Sub-divisional Hospitals, CHCs, PHCs
B.4.1.1.a Construction of SNCU in 11 District Hospitals B.4.2.a Installation of solar water system in 25 SDH, 10 RH and 150 PHC
B.4.1.1.b Upgradation of 05 DHs by increase number of Beds to 900 B.4.2.b Accrediation / ISO:9000 certification of 90 Health Facilities (15 DH + 15 SDH + 10 RH + 50 PHC)
B.4.1.2 CHCs
B.4.3 Sub Centre Rent and Contingencies
B.4.1.3 PHCs (Construction of 3 Doctors & 4 Staff Quarters in 38 PHCs) B.4.4 Logistics management / improvement (G2P Bihar Health Operations Payment Engine HOPE)
B.4.1.4 Sub Centres   Total Hospital Strengthening
Fund Allocation

CHCs B.5.6 Consturctions of BHO, Facility improvement, civil work, BemOC and CemOC centrers
B.5.2 PHCsDistrict Hospitals B.5.7 Major civil works for operationalisation of FRUS
B.5.2.a Construction of APHC (PHC) B.5.8 Major civil works for operationalisation of 24 hour services at PHCs
B.5.2.b Construction of residential quarters for Doctors & Staff Nurses in 38 old APHC B.5.9 Civil Works for Operationalising Infection Management & Environment Paln at health facilities
B.5.2.c Strengthening of cold chain (Refurbishment of existing cold chain room for district stores and earthing and wiring of existing cold chain rooms in all PHCs)
B.5.10 Infrastructure of Training Institutions
B.5.3 SHCs / Sub Centres B.5.10.1 Strengthening of Existing Training Institutions / Nursing School (Other than HR) - Strengthening of Nursing Education - at IGIMS Bihar
B.5.4 Setting up Infrastructure wing for Civil works (9 Executive eng., 38 Asst. Eng. & 76 JE under Bihar Mediacal Services & Infrastructure Corporation Ltd) B.5.10.2 New Training Institutions / School ( Other than HR)
B.5.5 Govt. Dispensaries / Others renovations   Total New Constructions / Renovations and Setting up
Fund Allocation

District Hospitals B.6.3 PHCs
B.6.2 CHCs (SDH ) B.6.4 Other (APHC)
      Total Corpus Grants to HMS / RKS
Fund Allocation

B.8.1 Construction and Orientation of Community Leader and of VHSC, SHC, PHC, CHC etc B.8.3 Other State Level Activities (IEC + Monitoring + need based training for VHSC members in 5 CBPM focus districts)
B.8.2 Orientation Workshops, Trainings and capacity building of PRI at State/District Health Societies, CHC, PHC   Total Panchayati Raj Initiative
Fund Allocation

Medical Officers at DH/CHCs/PHCs (only AYUSH) B.9.3 Activities other than HR
B.9.1.a AYUSH Specialists B.9.3.1 Training of AYUSH Doctors & Paramedical staffs w.r.t AYUSH wing and establishment of head quarter cost
B.9.2 Other Staff Nurse / Supervisory Nurses (for AYUSH)   Total Mainstreaming of AYUSH
Fund Allocation

Strengthening of BCC/IEC Bureaus (state and district levels) B.10.2.3 BCC/IEC activities for FP
B.10.1 Development of State BCC/IEC strategy B.10.2.4 BCC/IEC activities for ARSH
B.10.2 Implementation of BCC/IEC strategy B.10.3 Health Mela Leprosy
B.10.2.1 BCC/IEC activities for MH B.10.4 Creating awareness on declining sex ratio issue
B.10.2.2 BCC/IEC activities for CH
B.10.5 Other activities
      Total IEC-BCC NRHM
Fund Allocation

Ambulance / EMRI / Oher models B.12.2.b 1911 - Doctor on Call & SamadhanActivities other than HR
B.12.2 Operating Cost (POL) B.12.2.c Advanced Life Saving Ambulance (Call 108)
B.12.2.a Emergency Medical Service / 102 - Ambulance Service B.12.2.d Referal Transport in districts
      Total Referral Transport
Fund Allocation

B.13  PPP / NGOs
Non-Governmental providers of health care RMPs / TBAs B.13.3.b Outsourcing of Pathology and Radiology Services from PHCs to DH
B.13.2 Public Private Partnership B.13.3.c Outsourcing of HR Consultancy Services
B.13.3 NGO Programme / Grant in Aid to NGO B.13.3.d IMEP
B.13.3.a Setting up of Ultra-Modern Diagnostic Cenres in Regional Diagnostic Centers (RDCs) and all Government Medical College Hospitals of Bihar   Total PPP / NGO
Fund Allocation

Innovations (if any) (Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls or SABLA)
B.14.b YUKTI Yojna Accreditation of Public and Private sector for providing Safe Abortion services
Total Innovationss
Fund Allocation

B.15.1 Community Monitoring (Visioning workshops at state, district, block level) B.15.3.2 Computerization HMIS and e-governance, e-health (MCTS, RI Monitoring, CPSMS)
B.15.1.1 State Level B.15.3.2.a MCTS and HRIS
B.15.1.2 District Level (Purchase of 830 mobile handsets from BSNL / By Tender Process) B.15.3.2.b RI Monitoring
B.15.1.3 Block Level B.15.3.2.c CPSMS
B.15.1.4 Other
B.15.3.2.d Hospital Management System, Telemedicine and Mobile based Monitoring
B.15.2 Quality Assurance B.15.3.3 Other Activities (HMIS)
B.15.3 Monitoring and Evaluation B.15.3.3.a Strengthening of HMIS (up-gradation and maintenance of Web Server of SHSB)
B.15.3.1 Monitoring and Evaluation / HMIS / MCTS (State, District, Block and Divisional Data Centre) B.15.3.3.b Plans for HMIS supportive supervision and data
B.15.3.1.a State, District, Divisional, Block Data Centre   Total Planning, Implementation and Monitoring
B.15.3.1.b CBPM    
Fund Allocation

Procurement of Equipment B.16.1.5.d Running Blood Bank
B.16.1.1 Procurement of Equipment: MH (Labour room), Procurement of Bed, ANC instrument and ARI timer B.16.1.5.e POL for vaccine delivery from State to District and to PHC / CHC
B.16.1.2 Procurement of Equipment: CH (SCNU & NBCC equipments) B.16.2 Procurement of Drugs and supplies
B.16.1.3 Procurement of Equipment: FP B.16.2.1 Drugs and supplies for MH
B.16.1.3.a Procurement of Minilap set (FP)
B.16.2.1.a Parental Iron sucrose (IV / IM) as therapeutic measure to pregnant women with severe anaemia
B.16.1.3.b Procurement of NSV Kit (FP) B.16.2.1.b IFA tablets for Pregnant & Lactating mothers
Procurement of IUD Kit (FP) (PHC level) B.16.2.2 Drugs and supplies for CH
B.16.1.4 Procurement of Equipment: IMEP B.16.2.2.a Budget for 1. IFA small tablets and syrup for children (6 - 59 months)
B.16.1.5 Procurement of Others B.16.2.1.b IMNCI Drug Kit
B.16.1.5.a Dental Chair Procurement B.16.2.3 Drugs and supplies for FP
B.16.1.5.b Equipments for 6 new Blood Banks
B.16.2.4 Supplies for IMEP
B.16.1.5.c A.C. 1.5 Ton Window for 28 B.16.2.5 General drugs and supplies for health facilities
      Total Procurement
Fund Allocation

Support Strengthening NPCB B.22.5 Contigency support to Govt. dispensaries
B.22.2 Support Strengthening Midwifery Services under medical services B.22.6 Other NDCP Support Programmes
B.22.3 Support Strengthening NVBDCP B.22.7 Mobility and computer facility for DMO
B.22.4 Support Strengthening RNTCP    
Fund Allocation