State Health Society,Bihar

FUND ALLOCATION                    
RCH Flexipool (Part A)
Mission Flexipool NHM (Part B)
Part C to O
A Reproductive & Child Health B NRHM Initiatives C Immunisation
A.1 Maternal Health B.1 ASHA D National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programm (NIDDCP)
A.2 Child Health B.2 Untied Funds / Annual Maintenance Grants / Corpus Grants to HMS / RKS Communicable Diseases
A.3 Family Planning B.3 Rollout of B.Sc. (Community Health) E Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP)
A.4 Adolescent Health / RKSK (Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram) B.4 Hospital Strengthening F National Vector Born Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP)
A.5 RBSK (Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram) B.5 New Constructions G National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP)
A.6 TRIBAL RCH B.6 Implementation of Clinical Establishment Act H Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP)
A.7 PNDT Activities B.7 Health Action Plans (including block, village) Non-Communicable Diseases
A.8 Human Resources B.8 Panchayati Raj Institutions I National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB)
A.9 Training B.9 Mainstreaming of AYUSH J National Mental Health Programme (NMHP)
A.10 Programme Management B.10 IEC-BCC NRHM K National Programme for the Healthcare of the Elderly (NPHCE)
A.11 Vulnurable Groups B.11 National Mobile Medical Units / National Mobile Medical Vans / Specialised Mobile Medical Units L National Programme for Prevention & Control of Deafness
  Total Part A B.12 National Ambulance Service M National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP)
    B.13 PPP / NGOs N National Oral Health Programme (NOHP)
  B.14 Innovations O NPCDCS
    B.15 Planning, Implementation and Monitoring . ............
    B.16 Procurement NUHM: National Urban Health Mission
  B.17 Drug Ware housing ** Letter Regarding Fund Allocation
  B.18 New Initiatives / Strategic Interventions ** NUHM Fund Allocation
  B.20 Research, Studies, Analysis  
  B.22 Total Support Services  
  B.23 Other Expenditures (Power Backup, Convergence etc)  
  B.25 National Programme for Prevention & Control of Deafness (NPPCD)  
  B.26 National Oral Health Programme (NOHP)  
    B.29 National Programme for Fluorosis  
    B.30 Human Resources  
  Total Part B   Revised Fund Allocation

Operationalise Safe abortion services (including MVA/ EVA and medical abortion) at health facilities A.1.4 Maternal Death Review (both in institutions and community)
A.1.2 Integrated outreach RCH services (state should focus on facility based services and outreach camps to be restricted only to areas without functional health facilities) A.1.5 Other Strategies / Activities
A.1.3 JSY - Janani Suraksha Yojana A.1.6 JSSK - Janani Shishu Surakhsha Karyakram
  Total Maternal Health
Fund Allocation

IMNCI (including F-IMNCI; primarily budget for planning for pre-service IMNCI activities in medical colleges, nursing colleges & ANMTCs other training) A.2.7 Micronutrient Supplementation Programme (cost of activities except cost of procurement of supplements)
A.2.2 FBNC: Facility Based Newborn Care (SNCU, NBSU, NBCC - any cost not budgeted under HR,Infrastructure, procurement, training, IEC etc.) e.g.operating cost rent, electricity etc. A.2.8 Child Death Review
A.2.3 HBNC: Home Based Newborn Care A.2.9 JSSK (for Sick infants up to 1 year)
A.2.4 IYCF: Infant and Young Child Feeding A.2.10 Any other interventions (e.g.; rapid assessments, protocol development)
A.2.5 Care of Sick Children and Severe Malnutrition (e.g. NRCs, CDNCs, Community Based Programme etc.) A.2.11 National Iron Plus Initiative ( procurement to be budgeted under B.16.2.6 & printing under IEC)
A.2.6 Management of Diarrhoea, ARI & micronutrient malnutrition    
    Total Child Health
Fund Allocation

Terminal / Limiting Methods A.3.4 Repairs of Laparoscopes
A.3.2 Spacing Methods A.3.5 Other strategies / activities
A.3.3 POL for Family Planning/ Others (including additional mobility support to surgeon's team if required) A.3.6 Family Planning Indemnity Scheme
A.3.7 Mission Parivar Vikas Total Family Planning
Fund Allocation

A.4    Adolescent Health / Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakaran (RKSK)
A.4.1 Facility based services A.4.3 Other strategies/activities
Community Level Services   Total Adolescent Health / RKSK
Fund Allocation

A.5    RBSK
Operational Cost of RBSK (Mobility support, DEIC etc.) A.5.2 Referral Support for Secondary / Tertiary care
Total RBSK
Fund Allocation

A.7    PC PNDT Activities
Support to PNDT cell A.7.3 Mobility support
A.7.2 Other PNDT activities  
Fund Allocation

A.9    Training
 Training institutes & Skill Lab A.9.7 Adolescent Health Trainings / RKSK Traininigs
A.9.2 Development of training packages A.9.8 Programme Management Training (e.g. M&E, logistics management, HRD etc.)
A.9.3 Maternal Health Training A.9.9 PC/PNDT training
A.9.4 IMEP Training A.9.10 Training (Nursing)
A.9.5 Child Health Training
A.9.11 Training (Other Health Personnel)
A.9.6 Family Planning Training A.9.12 RBSK Training
      Total Training
Fund Allocation

Strengthening of State society/ State Programme Management Support Unit A.10.5 Audit Fees
A.10.2 Strengthening of District society/ District Programme Management Support Unit A.10.6 Concurrent Audit System
A.10.3 Strengthening of Block PMU A.10.7 Mobility Support, Field Visits
A.10.4 Strengthening (others) A.10.8 Other Activities
      Total Programme Management
Fund Allocation

B.1    ASHA
B.1.1.1 Selection & Training of ASHA B.1.1.3 Performance Incentive/Other Incentive to ASHAs
B.1.1.4 Awards to ASHA's/Link workers   Total ASHA
Fund Allocation

Up gradation of CHCs, PHCs, Dist. Hospitals B.4.1.5 Others (MCH Wings)
B.4.1.1 District Hospitals B.4.1.6 SDH
B.4.1.2 CHCs B.4.2 Strengthening of Districts , Sub Divisional Hospitals, CHCs, PHCs
B.4.1.3 PHCs B.4.3 Sub Centre Rent and Contingencies
B.4.1.4 Sub Centres   Total Hospital Strengthening
Fund Allocation

CHCs B.5.2 PHCs
B.5.10 Infrastructure of Training Institutions B.5.13 Civil work of DEIC (RBSK)
    Total New Constructions
Fund Allocation

B.9.1 Other Activities (Excluding HR) Total Mainstreaming of AYUSH
Fund Allocation

B.10.1 Strengthening of BCC/IEC Bureaus (state and district levels) B.10.5 Targetting Naturally Occuring Gathering of People/ Health Mela
B.10.2 Development of State Communication strategy (comprising of district plans) B.10.6 Others
B.10.3 Implementation of BCC/IEC strategy B.10.7 Priniting Activities
B.10.4 Interpersonal Communication Tools for the frontline health workers Total IEC-BCC
Fund Allocation

B.12  National Ambulance Service
B.12.1 Ambulance/EMRI Capex B.12.2 Operating Cost /Opex for ambulance
  Total NAS
Fund Allocation

B.13  PPP / NGOs
B.13.1 Non governmental providers of health care RMPs B.13.4 Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme
B.13.2 Public Private Partnerships (Out Sourcing set up, if applicable for State, to be budgeted under this head) Total PPP / NGO
Fund Allocation

B.14  Innovations
B.14.3 Food Safety (Social Determinants of Health) B.14.4 National Tele-medicine Network
B.14.6 Community Action for Health B.14.8 Transport Incubator in 2 HPDs for referral transport of sick new born babies
B.14.9 Innovations for Immunization B.14.14 Mother Shed in SNCU
B.14.16 Detection, Prevention & Management of Arsenicois in Bihar   Total Innovation
Fund Allocation

B.15.1 Community Action for Health (Visioning workshops at state, dist, block level, Training of VHSNC, Training of RKS) B.15.3.2 MCTS
B.15.2 Quality Assurance & Grievance Redressal B.15.3.3 Drugs & Vaccines Distribution Management System (DVDMS)
B.15.3 Monitoring and Evaluation B.15.3.4 Hospital Management System
B.15.3.1 HMIS B.15.3.5 Other e-Governance initiatives
    Total Planning, Implementation & Monitoring
Fund Allocation

Procurement of Equipment B.16.3 National Free Diagnostic services
B.16.2 Procurement of Drugs and supplies    
    Total Procurement
Fund Allocation