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   What's On      Minute of the meeting organised on 08/07/2011 regarding rechecked results of NGOs / Agencies for selection, On Modular Training of Asha's on 5, 6 & 7.      Population Stabilisation Fortnight 2011 (Letters, Guideline, ELA etc).      Technically Qualified NGO's/Agency for Module Training 5,6 & 7 for Asha's.      Performance Appraisal Form      Combined TORs for Positions under SHSB      FMR Report Format for 2011-12      VHSND Letter and Guidelines      District wise list of specialist doctor    National Tobacco Control Programme (Tobacco Control Act - 2003)    Health Volunteer (Asha/Mamta) Data Collection form      Health Employees Data Collection Form      Revised format of FMR     ** Guideline For ASHA Module 2, 3 and 4        **Guideline For ASHA Selection        Guideline for Rogi Kalyan Samiti        Inspection CheckList for Rogi Kalyan Samiti       

Salient Outcome

Number of Patients visiting the Health Centers has increased from a meager 39 per month per centre in Jan 2006 to more than 4000 per Center per Month in November 2008.

(a) Demand for better Health Services generated among the rural population.

(b) No. of Institutional Delivery 10,000 in Jan. 2007 to more than 1,00,000 in Jan. 2008.

(c)No. of Family Planning operations approx. 13,000 in Jan. 2007 to more than 80000 in Jan. 2008.

(d)The percentage of RI was 18 in the year 2005, which has increased to 32.8 % as per NFHS III (2006-06) and to 51.8 % in 2008 as per evaluated coverage by a third party.


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