District Control Room : घर बैठे पायें - चिकित्सीय सुविधाएं।        घर में अलग रहने (Home Quarantine) से होगी कोरोना की हार ।   : दैनिक कोरांटीन रिपोर्ट
कोविड-19 मरीजों के इलाज हेतु जिला स्तर पर एवं चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय अस्पताल स्तर पर स्थापित नियंत्रण कक्ष ।
  संकल्प : COVID-19 के चिकित्सीय प्रबंधन हेतु स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा सुझाएँ गए औषधियों को राज्य के आवश्यक औषधियों की सूची में शामिल करने के सम्बन्ध में।
  Letter No-911 Dated 24.05.2020
  Letter No-422 Dated 29.04.2020
  NCDC Guidelines for setting up Isolation Ward
  COVID Care Centres Final Draft PPT
  Ltr 88(Add sec cell) dated 28-04-2020 Regarding Containment Zone
  Ltr 82(Add sec cell) dated 24-040-2020 Regarding Containment Zone related to COVID-19
  Ltr No. 473(2) dated 23-04-2020 Regarding mandatory use of mask
  ज्ञापांक 471 (17) दिनांक 20.04.2020 कोरोना संक्रमण से बचाव के मद्येनजर राज्य को घर बैठे सरकारी चिकित्सकों से चिकित्सीय परामर्श उपलब्ध कराने के लिए 8010111213 (अस्सी दस ग्यारह बारह तेरह) हेल्पलाईन सेवा स्वास्थ्य विभाग द्वारा प्रारम्भ करने के संबंध में।
  Video : Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) पहनने एवं खोलने की विधि
  दिनांक 26.03.2020 को राज्य स्वास्थ्य समिति, बिहार के सभागार में कोरोना वायरस के संक्रमण के बिंदुओं पर सचिव स्वास्थ्य विभाग बिहार सरकार पटना की अध्यक्षता में आहूत बैठक की कार्यवाही!
  Guidelines on rational use of personal Protective Equipment (PPE) का प्रेषण के संबंध में !
  Guidelines on Dead Body Management (COVID-19) के प्रेषण के संबंध में (Letter No-9534 Dated-21.03.2020)
  Guidelines for Home Quarantine
  Guidelines on Clinical management of severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) in suspect/confirmed novel coronavirus (nCoV) cases
  National Guidelines for Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Facilities
  Discharge Policy of nCoV Case
  Role of various departments for COVID-19 preparedness and response
  SOP for Categorization of Passengers for COVID 19 coming from China, Democratic Republic of Korea, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran for Airport Screening
  Guidelines on use of masks by public


प्रधानमंत्री गरीब कल्याण पैकेज के अंतर्गत : Insurance Scheme for Health Workers Fighting Covid-19, के संबंध मे
18.08.2020 3479    BMSICL से N-95 Mask एवं 3-Ply Surgical Mask तथा PPE Kit प्राप्त करने के संबंध मे। (Letter No-3479 Dated-18.08.2020)
08.08.2020 3312    BMSICL से VTM प्राप्त करने हेतु आबंटनादेश के संबंध मे। (Letter No- 3312, Dated- 08.08.2020)
27.07.2020 SHSB/IEC-BCC/365/2020/23    कोविड-19 मरीजों के इलाज हेतु जिला स्तर पर एवं चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय अस्पताल स्तर पर स्थापित नियंत्रण कक्ष की व्यवस्था विषयक रंगीन विज्ञापन दिनांक 28.07.2020 को प्रकाशित कराने के संदर्भ मे ।
25.07.2020 SHSB/PM/321/2011/3000    COVID-19 की रोकथाम हेतु जिला स्तर पर Dedicated COVID Healthcare Centre(DCHC) के बेड की संख्या वृद्धि करने के संबंध में ।
24.07.2020 SHSB/PM/552/2020/(P-I)/2075    BMICL से N-95 Mask एवं 3-Ply Surgical Mask तथा PPE Kit प्राप्त करने के संबंध मे ।
23.07.2020 2040    BMSICL से VTM प्राप्त करने हेतु आबंटनादेश के संबंध मे। (Letter No- 2040, Dated- 23-07-2020)
22.06.2020 1570    BMSICL से VTM प्राप्त करने हेतु आबंटनादेश के संबंध मे। (Letter No- 1570, Dated- 22-06-2020)
13.06.2020 1399    BMSICL से VTM प्राप्त करने हेतु आबंटनादेश के संबंध मे। (Letter No- 1399, Dated- 13-06-2020)
24.05.2020 991    Guidelines Regarding Domestic Travellers.
29.05.2020 1094    Distribution List of Hydroxychloroquine- 200mg Tablet.
28.05.2020 1084    Regarding distribution of VTM from BMSICL.
14.05.2020 362 (11)    Regarding Revised Discharge Policy - Bihar for Covid-19 Cases.
09.05.2020 614    Regarding distribution of VTMs to districts
10.05.2020 599    Distribution of Infrared thermometer
09.05.2020 597    Tagging of few districts with COVID 19 testing lab at RMRI Patna
05.05.2020 548    Regarding distribution of VTMs to districts
05.05.2020 540    Revised mapping of districts with seven COVID 19 testing labs across the state
05.05.2020 539    Distict wise distribution of N95, PPE kit and 3ply mask
02.05.2020 482    Regarding distribution of Infrared Thermometer
29.04.2020 428    Distict wise distribution of N95, PPE kit and 3ply mask
29.04.2020 427    Regarding supply of Infrared Thermometer
28.04.2020 413    Regarding supply of Pulse Oximeter
25.04.2020 384    Regarding supply of Infrared Thermometer
25.04.2020 383    Revised mapping of districts with six COVID 19 testing labs across the state
23.04.2020 355    Distict wise distribution of N95 and 3ply mask
23.04.2020 351    Regarding distribution of VTMs to districts
22.04.2020 336    Regarding supply of Pulse Oximeter
19.04.2020 282    Regarding medical gas pipelines in SDHs
18.04.2020 280    Regarding availability of disposable head caps and gloves
18.04.2020 268    Distribution of Hydrochloroquine tablet
18.04.2020 262    Distict wise distribution of N95, PPE kit and 3ply mask
17.04.2020 248    Budget estimation for purchase of COVD 19 related medical items
17.04.2020 244    Guideline regarding local purchase of COVID 19 related medical items
16.04.2020 222    Regarding OPD, Emergency servicesand institutional deliveries in District health facilities
15.04.2020 217    Mapping of districts with COVID 19 testing lab at AIIMS Patna
14.04.2020 195    Regarding rate contract of Knapsack Machine
14.04.2020 197    Distribution of Hydrochloroquine tablet
12.04.2020 159    Distict wise distribution of N95, PPE kit and 3ply mask
11.04.2020 150    Distict wise distribution of VTM & swab
08.04.2020 112    Distribution of VTM & swab to Siwan & Begusarai
07.04.2020 100    Regarding distribution, consumption and balance stock of COVID 19 related items in the districts
06.04.2020 72    Regarding distribution of VTMs to districts
06.04.2020 73    Regarding supply of COVID 19 related items
04.04.2020 49    Regarding distribution of VTMs to districts
04.04.2020 54    Regarding availability of Pulse Oximeter
03.04.2020 36    Regarding deputation of Ayush doctors and paramedical staff in Isolation/ Quarantine centres
03.04.2020 37    Regarding operation of Isolation ward and emergency/ delivery services in SDHs
01.04.2020 03    Regarding distribution of VTMs to districts
31.03.2020 9827    Regarding supply of VTMs
30.03.2020 9797    Sanatization of District hospitals and SDHs
28.03.2020 9720    Verification and testing of foreign travellers in view of COVID 19
27.03.2020 9690    Regrding surveillance in Containment zones
26.03.2020 9663    Regarding supply of PPE kits
26.03.2020 9664    Operationalization of Isolation wards in SDHs
26.03.2020 9657    Regarding sanitization of COVID positive patient's area
25.03.2020 9632    Regarding supply of masks through JEEVIKA
25.03.2020 9621    Regrding availability of COVID related medical items
24.03.2020 9587    Regarding estimation in ICU facilities in public and private health facilities
22.03.2020 9538    Operationalization of Isolation wards in districts
21.03.2020 9507    Regarding supply of Infrared Thermometer
21.03.2020 9528    Regarding suppliers/distributors of N95, PPE and 3 layer mask
21.03.2020 9532    Regading supply of COVID 19 related items
20.03.2020 9501    Regarding operating ESIC hospital Bihta as Quarantine Hospital
19.03.2020 108    Letter No - 108 (HS), Dated_19032020
18.03.2020 9393    Additional travel advisory for COVID 19
18.03.2020 9394    SOP for categorization of passengers for COVID
17.03.2020 9322    Regarding entries of COVID related drugs, equipments etc. in online portal
17.03.2020 9344    Regading availability of N95 and 3 ply mask
16.03.2020 9305    Regarding distribution of 3 ply surgical masks
15.03.2020 9284    Regarding availability of COVID related drugs and surgicals
14.03.2020 9279    Regarding availability of COVID related medicines
14.03.2020 9260    Regarding report submission of COVID related drugs, devices and equipments
28.02.2020 8813    Regarding drug inventory

Key Guidelines and Letters in Context to COVID-19

अब मास्क पहनना है बहुत जरुरी ।   Hindi
मास्क जरूर पहने (Use home made Mask) ।   Hindi
सामाजिक दुरी है बहुत जरुरी ।   Hindi
आमजन से अपील ।   Hindi
District Control Room : घर बैठे पायें - चिकित्सीय सुविधाएं।   Hindi
Use & Disposal of Mask   Hindi-1    Hindi-2
कोरोना संक्रमण से बचाव हेतु क्या करे और क्या ना करें ?   Hindi-1    Hindi-2
कब कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के लिए जांच कराएं?    Hindi
Important Notice for Bihar returns    Hindi
कोरोना एक तरह का संक्रामक वायरस है, जिसका संक्रमण एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति के जरिए फैलता है।   Hindi
क्या आपको कोविड -19 की जाँच की आवश्यकता है ?    Hindi    Bhojpuri    Maithili    Nepali    Bangla   
कोरोना संक्रमण से बचाव हेतु क्या करे और क्या ना करें ?    Hindi    Bhojpuri    Maithili    Nepali    Bangla    Urdu   
मास्क का उपयोग किसे करना चाहिए ?    Hindi   
अगर आप स्वस्थ हैं तो आपको मास्क की जरूरत नहीं है।  Hindi
Asha Poster - hand hygiene & social distancing    Hindi    English
General Poster - hand hygiene & social distancing    Hindi    English
कोरोना एक तरह का संक्रामक वायरस है, जिसका संक्रमण एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति के जरिए फैलता है।    Hindi
अपना एवं अपनों की कोरोना वायरस के संक्रमण से रक्षा करें।    Hindi
आओ मिलकर समाज की भागीदारी से इसे हरायें।    Hindi
आपके प्रयास से कोरोना वायरस को रोका जा सकता है।    Hindi
मास्क पहनिए काम पर चलिए    Hindi-1 Hindi-2 Hindi-3 Hindi-4
Use & Disposal of Mask   Hindi
कोरोना संक्रमण से बचाव हेतु क्या करे और क्या ना करें ?   Hindi
आप कोरोना वायरस को रोक सकते हैं!    Hindi
रोकथाम हमेशा इलाज से बेहतर है।    Hindi
आओ मिलकर समाज की भागीदारी से इसे हरायें।   Hindi
क्कोरोना मरीजों के लिए होम क्वारंटाइन हेतु स्टीकर   Hindi
बिना लक्षण वाले कोरोना मरीजों के लिए होम क्वारंटाइन हेतु    Hindi
कोरोना संक्रमण से बचाव हेतु क्या करे और क्या ना करें ?   Hindi
घर में अलग रहने (Home Quarantine) से होगी कोरोना की हार    Hindi
General Awareness   Hindi    Bhojpuri    Magahi    Maithili    Nepali-1    Nepali-2    Bangla
Travellers Awareness - Do's & Don't    Hindi    Bhojpuri    Magahi    Maithili    Bangla
Hand Washing    Hindi    Bhojpuri    Magahi    Maithili    Bangla
Transit Point Spot    Hindi    Bhojpuri    Magahi    Maithili    Bangla
Miking Spot    Hindi    Bhojpuri    Magahi    Maithili    Bangla
General Information with symptom   Hindi
Use of Mask    Hindi
Health Facilities at Home    Hindi
Miking Spot   Hindi-District    Hindi-State
Corona Patient Family Members   Hindi
Corona Suspected Person   Hindi
Equal efficiency of other surgical mask in comparision of N95 Mask   Hindi
More Efficiency of Soap in comparision of Sanetizer   Hindi
Others   Hindi
Memories film_for_TV_release_28 May   Hindi
PM Spot 01_28 May   Hindi
PM Spot 02_28 May   Hindi
Post covid film_for_TV_release_28 May   Hindi
Sachin Spot_28 May   Hindi
Use & Disposal of Mask   Hindi
Steps of Hand Wash    Hindi
Social Isolation    Hindi
Home Quarantine Spot   Hindi
Cleanliness   Hindi



Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).


To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Stay home if you feel unwell.
  • Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
  • Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.


The COVID-19 virus affects different people in different ways. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease and most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment. People who have underlying medical conditions and those over 60 years old have a higher risk of developing severe disease and death.

Common symptoms include:

  • fever
  • tiredness
  • dry cough.

Other symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • and very few people will report diarrhoea, nausea or a runny nose.

People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should self-isolate and contact their medical provider or a COVID-19 information line for advice on testing and referral.

People with fever, cough or difficulty breathing should call their doctor and seek medical attention.


Role of various departments for COVID-19

1.Home Department

o BSF/ immigration officers at Integrated check posts at Nepal border shall take history of visit to corona affected countries from the passengers entering the State
o Deputation of Medical team at ICP for Screening, Milking and awareness activities in border areas
o Border control to prevent cross border spread.
o Augmenting state security forces for facilitating perimeter control of containment zone for restricting movement of human population.
o Support the state in maintaining law and order
o Provide support for restriction of movement in and from the affected area.
o Identification of facilities/buildings that can be used as quarantine centres or can be converted to temporary hospitals with isolation facilities
o Enforcing social distancing measures.
o Provide support for airlift of RRTs / logistics/ samples to and from inaccessible areas.

2.Education Department

Creating awareness among university/colleges about preventive interventions like frequent hand washing, respiratory etiquettes avoiding public gathering through school/ college teachers.

3.Social Welfare Department

IEC and awareness generation on COVID 19 down the line.

4.Revenue & Land Reforms

o Swachhata related activities down the line.

5.Rural Work Department

o IEC and awareness generation on COVID 19 down the line.

6.Heath Department

o Preventive, Promotive & curative activities.

7.Road and Building Construction

o Disinfection of road and building for cluster containment.

8.Urban Development Department

o Sanitation & hygiene, IEC activities
o Identify facilities/buildings that can be used as quarantine centers or can be converted to temporary hospitals with isolation facilities
o Ensure that all Urban Local Bodies maintain environmental sanitation
o Display hoardings/banners with related IEC content all prominent places and in places of congregation.

9.Rural Development Department

o Sanitation & hygiene, IEC activities


o Sanitation & hygiene, IEC activities

11.Disaster Management Department

o Activate the crisis management committee down the line for control of outbreak, IEC and awareness activities

12.Animal & Fisheries resource Department

o Issue of guidelines down the line for not selling meat poultry in open
o Awareness generation among poultry owners, Veterinary administration shall identify animals in n-Corona isolated household especially pet & quarantine them at the site itself
o Identify Volunteers for feeding fodder and water to quarantine animals
o Monitor the health of animals at Panchayat level to notify Health Department in case of unusual symptoms/ dearth amongst animals

13.Tourism Department

o Issue travel alert to visitor visiting the State from affected countries
o Immediate reporting of Health Department in case symptoms develop, awareness among the travelers for self-monitoring the health status
o Maintain vigil particularly in major tourist spots and towns across

14. Transport Department

o Display of banners and posters at key public places
o Ensure sanitation of seats, handles & bars of all public transport vehicles
o Display of public health messages on public transport vehicles

15. Law Department

o Evaluation & enforcement of existing epidemic laws
o CRPC acts to control the diseases outbreak as & when needed
o Control mass gathering etc.

16. Information & Public Relations Department

o Display of Health Advisory on Corona virus for general public

17. Department of Consumer Affairs

o Price control of masks and hand sanitizers

18. Panchayati Raj Department

o IRC, Awareness down the line
o Facilitate Gram Panchayats and Panchayat Samiti Meetings to spread awareness on COVID
o Facilitate environmental sanitation at village through Village Health and Sanitation Committee

19. IMA/ IAP

o Awareness creation among Private Practioners/ Hospitals/ NGOs on COVID-19
o Immediate reporting to health Department in case suspect is reported
o Create separate isolation ward for corona detection and sample collection

20. Railway Department

o Display of banners and posters at key places
o Announcements in appropriate language(s)
o Coordination with different department teams deployed at Stations