1. |
National guidelines for infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities (264 page) |
National Centre for Disease Control |
January 2020 |
• Preparing Health Care Facility for Epidemic
• Preventing spread of infection trough health care workers
• Minimizing the harm to Health care workers and support staffs
• Quality Assurance Cell/ SRU may be helpful in expediting the compliance across the state
2. |
Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 Guidelines on rational use of Personal Protective Equipment(11 page) |
March 2020 |
• Protective gears designed to safeguard the health of workers by minimizing the exposure to a biological agent
• Coping with limited stock and global shortage of PPE
• Better understanding of indications when Triple layer mask can be adequate or and circumstances when N-95 use is mandatory
3. |
Advisory on Social Distancing Measure in view of spread of COVID-19 disease (2 pages) |
Government of India |
March 2020 |
• As per address by Hon’ble Prime Minister these will be applicable till 14th April instead of 31.03.2020
4. |
Guidelines for notifying COVID-19 affected persons by Private Institutions (3 page) |
Government of India |
March 2020 |
• COVID-19 Case Definitions (Very Important and needs to be well understood among frontline workers and surveillance team at block, district and state.
• Now legal obligation to follow after Epidemic act enforcement
• Enforcement with help of WHO-NPSP network
5. |
Advisory on the use of hydroxy- chloroquine as prophylaxis for SAARS-CoV-2 Infection (3 page) |
Government of India |
March 2020 |
• After recommendation of National Taskforce for COVID-19 for the use of Hydroxy Chloroquine as prophylaxis.
• This supersedes the earlier recommendation date 21.02.2020
6. |
Standard Operating Procedure for Passenger Movement post Disembarkation(2 page) |
Government of India |
January 2020 |
• Requires to be reviewed and updated in context to the stage of Epidemic
7. |
Containment Plan: Novel Corona Virus Disease(18 page) |
Government of India |
March 2020 |
• To be used as reference document of priority action points
• May not be easy to understand by frontline teams unless simplified and translated in Hindi
8. |
Advisory for Hospitals and Medical Education Institutions(3 pages) |
Government of India |
March 2020 |
• Higher authorities to review the compliance of advisory by medical colleges, and whether all departments are aware of this even
• The superintendents & Principal should be “on board”
9. |
Guideline Home Quarantine (Bihar)(4 pages) |
State Health Society SHSB/GA/Legal/4660/2020Memo No. 9624 |
25.03.2020 |
• In Hindi, and better drafted
• Need to develop a SOP for monitoring and reporting at block, district, and state level
10. |
Linking districts with Medical Colleges & Hospitals for sample collection (2 pages) |
State Health Society SHSB/GA/IDSP/1495/2015/ Part-II Memo No. 7925 |
27.01.202 |
• Linking of Medical College and districts
• Directive to keep logistic and make available for collection and transportation of sample
• HOD Microbiology are nodal officer.
• Lack of clarity on how the samples would be transported and where?
• WHO/RMRI/IGIMS and require to review and prepare revised letter as per agreed policy by PS/ ED Sir.
11. |
Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-1 9) (3 pages) |
F. No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.A. Ill Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training) |
17th March 2020 |
• Precautionary measures to be taken by all the employees and the Ministries/ Departments in context to (COVID-1 9)
• All employees who are at higher risk i.e. older employees, pregnant employees and employees who have underlying medical conditions, to take extra precautions.
• The Ministries/ Departments may take care not to expose such employees to any front-line work requiring direct contact with the public.
12. |
Guideline for role of different departments(5 pages) |
GoI, Cabinet Secy, D.O.272/2/1/2020/Cab.III |
8.03.2020 |
- AWW, LS, CDPO may be engaged for defined role say Contact tracing or share the responsibilities e.g. follow up of patients discharged after Facility _Quarantine/ Isolation ward etc. After initial orientation.
13. |
Regarding inter-sectoral coordination for prevention of outbreak due to novel Corona Virus to Patna & Gaya Airports(2 pages) |
Letter No.-SHSB/GA/IDSP/ 1495/2015/ l Part 2 No. 7928 |
27.01.2020 |
- Actions points for Airports- Gaya & Patna
14. |
Minutes of COVD-19 meeting (16.03.2019) held under chairmanship of Chief Secy, Bihar (in Hindi) (5 pages) |
108 (HS) Health Department |
19.03.2020 |
• Very Important Letter, and
• Actions taken to be reviewed and enforced
15. |
Constitution of State Coordination Committee(Page 1) |
SHSB/ GA/IDSP/1495/2015/Part-2 No. 7928/27.01.2020 |
- • Important Letter
• Compliance to be reviewed
16. |
Constitution of District Coordination Committee (Page 1) |
SHSB/ GA/IDSP/1495/ 2015/ 9186 |
09.03.2020 |
• Letter from Chief Secretary, Bihar Government to constitute DCC/ DTF for COVID-19
• ToR ias not annexed for role and responsibility of different department
17. |
Establishment of Quarantine Centres in Patna, Gaya (500-2000)(Pages 4) |
SHSB/ GA/IDSP/1495/ 2015/ 9248 |
14.03.2020 |
• Establishment of Quarantine Centres in Patna & Gaya (5000), and in other districts at least 500 beds to be earmarked
• No clarity on provision of food and other needs of admitted ones.
18. |
Annexure to MoHA (GoI)(6 Pages) |
Order No 40-3/2020-D Government of India |
24.03.202 |
- • Regarding Lockdown till 31.03.2020
• Exceptions, Penal Provisions
• To facilitate the movement of people and essential services
• All places of worship will be closed for public
19. |
W.H.O. Guideline Sample Collection (COVID-19) (7 pages) |
WHO/2019-nCoV/laboratory/2020.3 |
17.01.2020 |
- • Laboratory testing for 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in suspected human cases Interim guidance 17th Jan 2020
20. |
Specimen Collection, Packaging and Transport Guidelines for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)(2 pages) |
ICMR-NIV/2019-nCoV/Specimens_01 |
20.01.2020 |
- • Comprehensive guideline on indication as per Updated case definition of Suspect as determined by MoHFW (GoI)
• Essential logistic and
• Safety practices while collecting and transporting specimen
21. |
2019-Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Specimen Collection Kit Instructions(4 pages) |
Courtesy Rhode Island Health Department |
- • The document based on CDC guidelines
• Serves additional information
22. |
BMW Guidelines in Context to COVID-19(15 pages) |
B-3101/BMW (94) 2020/WM-1 |
25.03.2020 |
- • Comprehensive updated guidelines in special context of COVID-19
• Applicable to all quarantine Centre, Isolation wards, Specimen Collection Centres and testing Laboratories
23. |
ICMR Revised Testing Strategy of COVID-19(page 1) |
Version 3 ICMR |
20.03.2020 |
- 1. All asymptomatic individuals who have undertaken international travel in the last 14 days:
o They should stay in home quarantine for 14 days.
o They should be tested only if they become symptomatic (fever, cough, difficulty in breathing)
o All family members living with a confirmed case should be home quarantined
2. All symptomatic contacts of laboratory confirmed cases.
3. All symptomatic health care workers.
4. All hospitalized patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (fever AND cough and/or shortness of breath).
5. Asymptomatic direct and high-risk contacts of a confirmed case should be tested once between day 5 and day 14 of coming in his/her contact.
24. |
Guidelines for Quarantine Facilities COVID-19 (pages 41) |
National Centre for Disease Control ( DGHS) Government of India |
March 2020 |
- Interim Guidance for setting up Quarantine Facilities
25. |
WHO Operational Guidance for maintaining essential health services during an outbreak (Pages 41) |
World Health Organization |
25 March 2020 |
- • W.H.O. Interim Guidance
• To minimize the disruption of essential health care due to shift in focus and priorities on outbreak.
26. |
Revised Testing Strategy for Covid-19(Page-1) |
DO. No R15013/01/2020-HR-VRDL |
21.03.2020 |
- • Asymptomatic direct and high-risk contacts of a confirmed case should be tested once between day 5 and day 14 of coming in his/her contact.
• Those who live in the same household with a confirmed case and
• Health care workers who examined confirmed case without adequate protection as per WHO recommendations.
27. |
Gazette Notification Inclusion of Hydroxy-chloroquin in list of Schedule H1 drug(Pages-2) |
The Gazette of India CG-DL-E-26032020-218927 |
26.03.2020 |
- • The demand of Hydroxy Chloroquine is increased due to pandemic COVID-19
• It is necessary and expedient to regulate and restrict the sale and distribution of the drug and preventing misuse
• Included in Schedule H1 to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945
28. |
Covid-19 Testing for people coming from foreign countries after 10.03.2020(Pages-2) |
08(Addl Secy Cell)Bihar Government |
28.03.2020 |
- • Specimen of Covid -19 would be tested at district level
• All the persons who have entered after 10.03.20 into districts of Bihar, would be screened and if found symptomatic specimen will be collected and sent for COVID-19 test, to contain the further spread.
• Letter no 6/ Addl Secy Cell, dated 27.03 2020 is declared nullified.
29. |
Covid-19 Specimen Collection at DH and SDH and testing at RMRI_IGIMS_DMCH(Pages-7) |
SHSB/GA/IDSP1495/15-Part-2 /9700 |
28.03.2020 |
- • Important letter
• Decentralization of specimen collection from Medical colleges to DH and SDH level
• Engaging competent Laboratory technicians and Rapid Response team
• Districts have been linked to 3 Laboratories – RMRI, IGIMS and DMCH